About Food Matters Aotearoa
Food Matters Aotearoa is a partnership of business, community, education and organic groups, who support the promotion of sustainable agricultural methods for nutritious food production, essential to our wellbeing. |
Support Organisations
We are at a cross roads in our agricultural paradigms. The decisions made now concerning new technologies, chemical, indigenous or organic methods for the future production of nutritious food in New Zealand will affect our economy, health and the environment our children will inherit.
Our goals are to educate, inform and inspire; by bringing together, face to face international and local experts in agricultural and food businesses, policy makers and consumers. Only by increasing awareness and opening discussion in addressing the issues we are facing, in modern agriculture and threats to food security, can we ensure equitable access to quality food for Aotearoa /New Zealand's future.
Our aim is to open the debate on New Zealand's agricultural options for the production of safe food today. The input from the conference members and speakers will result in a conference statement that will assist in making positive steps towards a future that sustains us all.

GE Free New Zealand |
Pesticide Action Network |
Safe Food Campaign

Institute for a Sustainable Society

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