Mark Christensen
Mark is a trustee and research director at the Heritage Food Crops Research Trust and the past chair of the Central Districts branch of the NZ Tree Crops Association. He spent the past 11 years researching the potential for heritage apple varieties to prevent cancer. This research discovered the Monty’s Surprise high health apple and also prompted research into the benefits of heirloom tomato varieties.
Mark received the Don McKenzie Award from the NZTCA in recognition of his research and was voted Gardener of the Year in Wanganui/Manawatu by /New Zealand Gardener/ magazine. Mark is a qualified chartered accountant in Wanganui. He and his family nurture a five acre suburban orchard where many of the Trust’s plant trials are conducted.
Title for Talk The Best Apples and High Health Tomato - Heritage health for real nutrition.
In April 2000, a seedling apple tree was discovered growing in New Zealand that is now regarded as the best apple in the world to prevent cancer. Mark will explain the research findings and the successful initiatives to get these trees growing in backyards and communities. The Heritage Food Crops Research Trust (Central Tree Crops Research Trust) is eight years into its research into the best tomato varieties for human health. Mark will explain the breakthrough that led to the discovery of the ‘real’ tomato, its high health potential and comment on the pitfalls of modern commercial breeding practices.
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